Dr. Victor Koledov
Department of Research and Development, Innowledgement GmbH, Castrop Rauxel, Germany
Biography: Dr. Koledov Victor was born 20 of April 1955 in city Rostov am Don. From 1972 till 1978 he studied in Study of Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT) (Technical University) and finished this University 1978 with Dipl. Eng. in Physics and Electronics. In 1986 he has got PhD (Solid State Physics). In 2008 he has done work for Doctor Habilitation of Sciences with the thesis: “Phase transition and giant deformation in Heusler alloys in external fields.“ (Kotelnikov’ IRE RAS). Since 1982 till now he is working Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics Russian Academy of Sciences (IRE RAS). Now he is Leading scientist in this IRE RAS. His research areas are experimental studies of magnetic properties, magnetooptics, ferromagnetic domains, semiconductor lasers, fiber optics, ferromagnetic shape memory alloys, functional materials, medical applications of functional materials, multiferroics, strong magnetic fields, giant magnetocaloric effect, micromechanics, nanomechanics, nanomanipulation system based on record small nano-tweezers, mechanical bottom up nano-assembling, superconducting magnetic levitation, photonics, nano-optics. He has got awards / Prizes / Honours at 2009 Start2grow competition of Businessplan Germany for Nano-tools, 2010 Start2grow competition of Businessplan Germany for MST-technology of Nano-tools. And after this since 2010 he is founder and director of German innovative Innowledgement GmbH. He is leader of more the 25 national and international projects. Victor Koledov is author and coauthor of more then 180 scientific paper in referred journals and more then 160 presentations at national and international presentation, among then more than 25 Invited and Keynote speaker. He was invited Professor in – Spain, Romania, Portugal, Poland, China, India, Brazil, South Africa. He participates in organization of conferences 1. Conference on Manipulation, Automation and Robotics at Small Scales (MARSS). 2. Conference 3 M nano International Conference on Manipulation, Manufacturing and Measurement on the Nanoscale 2014, 2018 Nano 3 M Award for invited report, 2018 3M Nano Award as Keynote speaker.
Assoc. Prof. Jinyang Xu
School of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China
Dr. Jinyang Xu is an Associate Professor and a Doctoral Supervisor of Mechanical Engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China. He was awarded the Shanghai Pujiang Talents Program by the Shanghai Municipality in 2017. He received his M.Sc. in Mechanical Manufacturing & Automation from Shanghai Jiao Tong University (China) in 2013, and his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering & Materials from Arts et Métiers ParisTech (France) in 2016. His research interests focus on composites machining, numerical modeling, micro/nano cutting, and surface texturing. He has published over 40 articles in SCI-indexed journals, co-authored more than 50 peer-reviewed papers, and edited 8 special issues, 1 monograph & 2 book chapters. He is now serving as the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Coating Science and Technology (JCST) and the International Journal of Product Sound Quality (IJPSQ). He is also an Associate Editor of Simulation - Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International (indexed by SCIE/EI). He is now on the Editorial Board of Green Materials (indexed by SCIE/EI), Journal of Superhard Materials (indexed by SCIE/EI), International Journal of Aerospace Engineering (indexed by SCIE/EI), Advances in Materials Science and Engineering (indexed by SCIE/EI), Coatings (indexed by SCIE/SCOPUS), Lubricants (indexed by SCIE/SCOPUS), Journal of Composites Science (indexed by ESCI/SCOPUS), Journal of Engineering (indexed by ESCI/SCOPUS), and Current Materials Science (indexed by EI/SCOPUS). Moreover, Dr. Xu is also acting as a scientific reviewer for more than 70 prestigious Web of Science journals, such as IJMTM, JMPT, IJAMT, IJMS, COST, WEAR, etc. He has been invited as Keynote/Invited Speakers, Section Chairs, and TPC members for a number of international conferences (e.g., APMAS conference series, FAIM conference series, ICMEM conference series, EM2022, MD2021, AMSE2021, etc.) with themes in materials science and manufacturing processes. He is the principal investigator of some national and provincial projects, including the NSFC grants, Shanghai Pujiang Talents Program, Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology projects, State Key Laboratory of Mechanical System and Vibration fund projects, as well as a number of industrial projects. For his notable research in the field of Materials Processing & Manufacturing, he was honored with the prestigious IAAM Scientist Medal of the year 2020, and received the Best Paper Awards at the CJUMP2017 (November 19-21, 2017, Shanghai, China) and the ISGMA2015 (June 23-27, 2015, Qingdao, China) conferences. He has been the recipient of various awards, including the Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing Award (Elsevier, 2018, 2016), the National Government Study Abroad Scholarship of China (2013), the Excellent Master Thesis Award of Shanghai Municipality (2013), the Excellent Graduate Award of Shanghai Municipality (2013), and the National Graduate Scholarship of China (2012).
Research Interests: Mechanical machining of fibrous composites and their stacks, Micro-machining and multi-scale manufacturing techniques, Numerical modeling and FE analysis of machining operations
Assoc. Prof. Filip Gurkalo
Henan Polytechnic University, China
Prof. Florentin Smarandache
Department of Mathematics, University of New Mexico, Gallup, NM, USA
Florentin Smarandache is a professor of mathematics at the University of New Mexico, United States. He got his MSc in Mathematics and Computer Science from the University of Craiova, Romania, PhD in Mathematics from the State University of Kishinev, and Postdoctoral in Applied Mathematics from Okayama University of Sciences, Japan. He is the founder of neutrosophy (generalization of dialectics), neutrosophic set, logic, probability and statistics since 1995 and has published hundreds of papers and books on neutrosophic physics, superluminal and instantaneous physics, unmatter, quantum paradoxes, absolute theory of relativity, redshift and blueshift due to the medium gradient and refraction index besides the Doppler effect, paradoxism, outerart, neutrosophy as a new branch of philosophy, Law of Included Multiple-Middle, multispace and multistructure, hypersoft set, degree of dependence and independence between neutrosophic components, refined neutrosophic set, neutrosophic over-under-off-set, plithogenic set / logic / probability / statistics, neutrosophic triplet and duplet structures, quadruple neutrosophic structures, extension of algebraic structures to NeutroAlgebras and AntiAlgebras, NeutroGeometry & AntiGeometry, Dezert-Smarandache Theory and so on to many peer-reviewed international journals and many books and he presented papers and plenary lectures to many international conferences around the world.
In addition, he published many books of poetry, dramas, children’ stories, translations, essays, a novel, folklore collections, traveling memories, and art albums [ ].
Dr. J. Mahalakshmi
Department of Computer Technology, PSG College of Arts & Science, Tamilnadu, India
Dr J.Mahalakshmi is working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science, PSG College of Arts & Science, Coimbatore,Tamilnadu. She has received her Ph.D in Computer Science from Alagappa University, Karaikudi, Tamilnadu in the year 2017 in the area of Data Security in Cloud Computing. She has 5 years of teaching experience at PG& UG level in the field of Computer Science. She has also Cleared the TNSET examination in the year 2016. Her research lab, collaborated with Universidad Veracruzara University, Mexico. Shealso awarded with DAAD Germany Government Fellowship for short Term Research in Germany. She has organized Various National and International conferences, International Seminars for the Students. Also, she currently act as Reviewer for Various Web of Science and Scopus Journals. Apart from this, she also acts as a member in Board of Studies Committee headed by her working Institution. She is also an Alumni Board of Studies member in Government Arts college for Women, Bharathidasan University, Trichy, Tamilnadu. She has published many papers in Reputed International Journals and presented articles in the National and International Conferences and acted as chairperson for various Conferences organized at various Countries. She is also an advisory committee member of Many International conferences. Her areas of research interests include Algorithms, Cloud Computing, Optimization Techniques, Deep Learning, Industiral IoT, AI for Education.
Assoc. Prof. Lamiaa El Menzhi
Department of Electrical and Industrial Engineering, Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Tangier, Morocco
Lamiaa EL MENZHI is an associate professor in Abdelamalek Essaadi University in Morocco. On 1998, she obtained her bachelor degree in electromechanical engineering from Mohamed 5th university in Rabat. On 2002 She got her High Deepened Studies diploma in electrical engineering from Hassan 2nd University in Casablanca. On 2009, she obtained her Doctor degree, then her Habilitation for directing researches on 2016 from Hassan 2nd university in Casablanca. Lamiaâ EL MENZHI is an IEEE senior member, a reveiwer of many paper published in international journals and a scientific committee member of several international conferences. She is also a member of the administrative board of the moroccan center of Polytechnical reseraches and Innovation since 2015. Lamiaâ ELMENZHI is a director of many doctor thesis. She is interested in Electrical machines control and on-line diagnosis either used as a motor or a generator in wind turbines.
Dr. Svetlana von Gratowski
Department of Research and Development, Innowledgement GmbH, Castrop Rauxel, Germany
Biography: Dr. Sci. Svetlana von Gratowski was born at 22 of May 1955 in Moscow region. From 1972 till 1974 he studied in Study of Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT) (Technical University) and from 1974 till 1979 in Moscow State University after Lomonosov. She had finished this University 1979 with Dipl. Physics. From 1979 till 1984 she was in post at the post graduate courses in Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics Academy of Science USSR. In 1984 she had got degree Dr. of Science (Solid State Physics). Since 1982 till now she is working Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics Russian Academy of Sciences (IRE RAS). Now she is scientist researcher in this IRE RAS. Her research areas are theoretical physics in magnetism, magnetic domains, electromagnetic waves properties of condensed matter, spin waves, superconductivity, phase transitions, shape memory alloys, functional materials, multiferroics, ferroelectrics, magnetic materials, carbon nanotubes, nano-optics, nano- photonics, nano-plasmonics, micro- and nano-mechanics, nano-tools, nano-manipulation, nano-assembling, bottom up mechanical nano-manufacturing using record small nano-tweezers, non-destructive non-nondestructive and non-invasive real time monitoring of moisture content in plant, - in work of art, -glucose content in blood. She has got awards / Prizes / Honors at 2009 Start2grow competition of Business plan Germany for Nano-tools, 2010 Start2grow competition of Business plan Germany for MST-technology of Nano-tools. And after this since 2010 till now she is founder and deputy director of German innovative Innowledgement GmbH. She is principal investigators of more the 20 national and international projects and Leader one project. Svetlana von Gratowski is author and coauthor of more than 90 scientific paper in referred journals and more, then 160 presentations at national and international presentation, among then more than 11 Invited and Key Note speaker. She was invited researcher in – Italy, Spain, Romania, Portugal, China, India, Vietnam, Brazil, South Africa. She is member of reviewer board in more than 10 international scientific journals, and member of editor’s board in 2 international scientific journals. 2014, 2018 she had got 3 M Nano Award for invited report.
Past Invited Oral Speeches
1-Speaker/Author: Yuchen Zhao (Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China)
Topic: Study on influencing factors of two-body parallel separation
2-Speaker/Author: Zhi’e Wang (Capital University of Economics and Business, Beijing, China)
Topic: Evolutionary tripartite game model in the coal mine risk hazard double pre-control and management in China
3-Speaker/Author: Yunlong Cai (Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China)
Topic: Launch Dynamics Analysis of Amphibious Launch Vehicle on the Sea
4-Speaker/Author: Hongjun Qian (Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China)
Topic: Optimization of the internal ballistic performance of supercritical nitrogen ejection
5-Speaker/Author: Keke Qi (China Helicopter Research and Development Institute, Tianjin, China)
Topic: Linking Model-Based System Engineering (MBSE) and Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization (MDAO) for Early Design of Helicopter Primary Parameters
6-Speaker/Author: Yuan Cao (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China)
Topic: Prediction the chloride ion permeation coefficient of concrete based on a hybrid intelligent algorithm
7-Speaker/Author: Zeren Ai (Dalian Maritime University, Dalian, China)
Topic: Ship Ballast Water System Fault Diagnosis Method Based on Multi-Feature Fusion Graph Convolution
8-Speaker/Author: Xiaomin Yan (Shanghai Maritime University, Shanghai, China)
Topic: Study on the Optimization Problem of Instant Delivery Path under Mixed Order Mode
9-Speaker/Author: Yujiao Qi (Shanghai Maritime University, Shanghai, China)
Topic: Multi-Objective Optimization Research on Berth Allocation and Vessel Scheduling for Bulk Cargo Terminal Considering Lightening and Shifting Operations
10-Speaker/Author: Siyu Guo (Henan University of Science and Technology, Luoyang, China)
Topic: Comparative Analysis of Influencing Factors on Heat Extraction Performance of Multi-Type Shallow Borehole Heat Exchangers
11-Speaker/Author: Yanxin Shen (Chengdu University of Technology, Chengdu, China)
Topic: Radiation damage simulation using molecular dynamics in Ni-based alloy
12-Speaker/Author: Wen Xu (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China)
Topic: Analysis of the Influence of Oblique Shield Tunnel Construction on Existing Tunnels: A FLAC3D Modeling Approach